Anyway, that's our new home. Hopefully we'll be here for a while and we'll make some great memories along the way. I'll post some updated pictures after we're finished updating the place a little and making it our own.
One step at a time...
She and I had lots of fun exploring the new house. It's huge!!! It's got TWO big living rooms to run around in and a big kitchen (where Cassie and I stay while the humans are out) and master bedroom big enough for all of us to cuddle up in at night. And there's two other big bedrooms, too. The best part, though is the HUGE backyard where we can run around and play. Because there's a bunch of trees, there's always a variety of sticks for me to play with and munch on. Of course, our first order of business was to get REALLY REALLY muddy. No better way to celebrate than to feel the cool sensation of mud on your fur.
Then we spent some time romping around the house and supervising the unpacking of boxes and the moving of furniture. I tell you, these humans don't know how to do anything without us telling them.
Well, I should probably wrap this up. I've got a lot of catching up to do with all you doggies out there. It's been way too long since I read everyone's blog!
Mom will post some human-friendly pictures tomorrow of the house and whatnot.
Until then, Cassie and I will be waiting to hear from you!