Alright all you doggies...the countdown has begun! 'What countdown?' you might ask. The countdown until my birthday, of course! Mom even found a countdown clock for me so I can let everyone how much more time I have until I turn 1! Oh, and I must apologize for my human if there are any misspelled words in here...M cut her finger really bad at work yesterday and it's all wrapped up in a big bandage and splint that is not conducive to typing correctly. Duh, that's what spellcheck is for, Mom!
Anyway, you guys can find the countdown clock WAAAY at the bottom of this page. It wouldn't fit in the sidebar, so we had to put it down in the footer. Only 63 days left!! Woohoo!
In other news: Cassie is getting spayed tomorrow. Shhhh...don't tell her. She doesn't know yet. M and D have to drop her off at 7:00am and then we don't get to see her again until 4:00. M is a little nervous, but she said she's done it with all of her dogs before and she's never had any major complications. She told me that when Cassie gets home, she might be really sleepy and she's going to have a big boo-boo on her tummy so I have to be very gentle with her and I can't make fun of her for not being able to run around. Pssh...where's the fun in that?
You better watch out, mister. I wouldn't make fun of anyone -- as soon as you're off your meds, you're going to get YOUR fixer operation.
Ugh, but Mooooooom! Oh well. That's at least a few months away for now, so maybe in the meantime I can convince M that I'm not broken and I don't need to be fixed.
Not likely.
In any case, tomorrow should be interesting because I'll have most of the day with my humans WITHOUT Cassie. It's gonna be kind of weird, but I hope we get to do something fun.
Pawsitive thoughts for Cassie :)
Until next time!
Hey, thank you for making me feel better about having a dog spayed! We'll be thinking of Cassie tomorrow, I'm sure she'll do fine. We'll be checking your blog for more news :)
We'll be thinking of Cassie tomorrow! I hope you and mom have a fun day at Petco, Orion *hint hint* Make sure you pick up something special for Cassie too! She'll appreciate that! And we hope that she doesn't have to wear the dreaded lampshade!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Best wishes to Cassie for her operation - though I'm sure she's going to be fine and you'll do a great job looking after her when she's home Orion.
We hope Cassie is ok. That spaying thing - yuck.
Hi Orion. Your birthday is just a few days before Lizzy's! Except Lizzy isn't turning 1, she's turning 15, he he.
I hope everything goes good for Cassie! We'll be thinking of her.
We'll be thinking about Cassie tomorrow. I know she will do well... No worries. It must be really nerve racking for your hoomans. I think my hoomans will be like them too when it is my turn to be spayed.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
We are sure she will be fine. Louie has to be fixed in January. I am sure he will not be a happy camper either but the vet says it is a must..
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