Still a good boy! M and D have been leaving me on my own since the other day when M found out she could trust me. I had one tiny little weeny incident where I grabbed a notebook off the kitchen table and brought it into the living room on the couch. But I didn't chew it! I was just reading! So the humans are very proud of me and they can't wait until Cassie can be left uncrated. But M said it's going to be a while. Cassie is still a baby and a bit more of a chewer than I was at her age. And I'm a big boy, dontcha know? It's almost my birthday! February 13th is right around the corner.

Check out this guy that's staying with us. His name is Teddy and he's a pretty cool dude. He thinks he can bark louder than me, but we have barking contests to settle the fact that I am MUCH louder (M's been complaining about a headache). He's a foster dude from a local rescue called Austin Dog. Unfortunately, he's got heartworms pretty bad and is getting treated for them. When he was pulled from the shelter, he had one huge shell of matts all over his back and lower body. He still has some, but he needs to keep some of his fur for the colder days this time of year. One of his ears is a little twisted, either something from birth or from a fight with another dog at one point. Mom says he really is cuddly like a teddy bear, but that he needs a cooler name to match his personality. The person that adopts him when he's ready to go is going to be sooooo LUCKY.
But I've got to go. It's a really nice day outside and we're gonna go PLAY!!

Until next time!!!
That's great that you're still being such a good boy Orion - I'm proud of you!!
And I hope you don't pick up too many bad habits from Teddy!!! Hope his heartworm is under control soon.
Orion, you can be trusted from now! Small accidents happen all the time so your hoomans shouldn't be sooo worried. Cassie can be trusted soon but she needs to be taught not to steal & chew stuff when she is out. Teddy is a nice looking fella. he should be okay soon since he's on medications now. Your boarding service is doing really well! This is your 2nd customer already.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I'd totally be a foster dog at your house. Look at that water!
I think your should call Teddy, Theodore or Thor or something. If you keep reading, you're sure to come across the perfect name for him.
That's so awesome that you can be trusted and not be crated, Orion! Mitch is hoping that the same thing happens to him soon too but mom is going very slowly with him! I wonder why??!!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Congrats on being a good boy, Orion. we're so proud of you. and we like Teddy. he's very cute. your mom is nice to take care of him. maybe she will want to keep him and give you another bruzzer? that would be nice!
Orion, way to keep up the good work! It's so nice of you guys to foster doggies in need!
You're a great dog, Orion!
I love that last picture of you guys in the water! Looks like you're having a blast!
We haven't heard from you guys in like FOREVER! How are you doing? We miss you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I absolutely love this photo.
I love the look on the faces of your beautiful two.
Here's to winter being over!!
Was there anything interesting in that notebook?
woo , the one with the water splattering in the picture is so nice .
I love swimming :DDD
3 Musketeers
Good boy, Orion! That's shows some great self restraint.
And Teddy is lucky indeed to have landed at your place.
Nasty stuff, heartworm. Take it easy on Teddy for a while -- let him get his strength back (though he looks like he's doing just fine for the moment...)
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