That's right!
Earlier, M had to take Cassie to the vets so her big butt could be weighed to see which Frontline Plus she needs now. Since the vets is only 5 minutes away and it wouldn't take long to get big butt weighed and get my special food and whatnot, M decided she was going to let me have the run of the house for the entire 30 minutes she was gone! (well...not total run of the house...she closed the bedroom door and put a gate across the kitty room door....I have a kitty litter problem, okay!) So I could tell M was a little nervous because she knew I wouldn't be happy about Cassie going out while I'm stuck back here, but she decided to trust me. And when she came back home...guess what?! She didn't find a thing out of place! And she was actually gone for 45 minutes because she's all chatty chatty with the gals over at the vets so she took FOREVER. But I was a good boy and resisted the urge to find paper towels to shred
(which is my biggest vice.)
So anyway... M told me that big butt weighs 200lbs!!!
Hey!! That's not true! Mooooommmm!!

Okay, okay...she only weighs 51lbs. But still...that's heavy! That's only 15lbs less than me! She better start running around like I've been doing with our visitors:

I ran around so much, my eyes turned into lasers!
M better be the one to take Cassie outside and get her moving, because it's Girl Scout cookie time and I've seen way too many empty boxes of thin mints lying around.
Uh-oh...I see M rolling up some newspaper...better go!
Later everydog!
Way to go, Orion! You earned your mom's trust! Keep up the good work!
Wow! Cassie is growing like a weed!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Orion,m you are definitely a good boy! Hopefully, your mom totally trust you now & will let you roam in the house everyday! That's not that heavy...I'm heavier than her & you!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Orion you are such a well behaved boy - good on ya!!
Cassie sure has grown up fast - looks like you are having fun with the visitors too.
Hi Orion and Cassie! We wanted to introduce ourselves to you. We are Taryn, Kylie, and Payton with Mom Jamie at the keyboard. We are the Mile High Labradors from Denver Colorado.
Orion, good job on the 45 minutes of freedom. Mom thought that she could leave Payton out of the crate the first weekend we had her. Mom had to go to work and Payton was curled up in bed with Dad so everything looked OK. We watched in horror as Payton got up after Mom left and chewed a hole in the corner of one of our couch cusions! We tried to wake up Dad to tattle, but he was out. Payton finally woke up Dad when she grabbed the plastic water bowl and was chewing on it. Not a good first attempt at freedom. Until she gets older and stops teething she'll have to stay in the crate when no one can supervise her. We bask in the Sun on the couches!
Nice to meet you!
You're in the big boys club now Orion! Congrats.
Cassie & Sherman must be related. He weighs 200 lbs too!
Lola are prooving yourself quite the top dog in your family. I agree with you about those paper towel rolls. Yum!
I love that photo of you lying down and being good. That's a total Sophie Brador expression. I wear 68 lbs, and have for years.
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