Thursday, September 6, 2007

Pictures!!!! Yay!!

Okay, so here's a bunch of pictures that we took in AZ and during the past month:

I'm ready to go!

Mountains of Arizona

Action Shot! Football with Dad!

Corby the pug and I'm hiding in the background

Mom and my Aunt Barb

Mountains and sunsets and nice stuff.

Mom crept into MY backseat area to take a nap. Notice who she's using as a foot warmer?

We were welcomed home to Texas by a beautiful rainbow

After we got home, I went back to doing normal things like jumping for ice cubes,

going to the park with Mom and Dad

playing some water football,

taking naps

playing with Mr. Turtle

taking naps.... until one quiet day...

Mom and Dad brought THIS little thing home!

At first I thought she was a snack. hehehe.

No, just kidding. :) At first I wasn't too sure about her because she made funny noises and would spit at me if I got too close. So I thought I'd try to wait it out under the bed. The next morning, I woke up and....SHE WAS STILL HERE! I guess Mom and Dad adopted a new sister for Lani and I. It took me a few days to get used to her being around, but after a while....well...

she's just so darn cute. I know...for a funny looking thing.

Either way, Lani and our new sister (appropriately named Phoenix for her orange points and tail) are good friends now and I kinda like her too. (Personally, I think she just likes chasing my tail).

And here's a picture of me holding my mom for ransom. hehe.

SO. That should satisfy your cuteness quota for a while, but if you still want more, Mom uploaded more pictures of the trip and of our fur family to my photo album.

Only 10 more days until we move! Woo hoo!

Until next time...


Duke said...

What great pictures and you have a new live playtoy too! Life doesn't sound dull at your house!
Good luck moving! You're so lucky!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

hi - we got here thru Cheyenne & Dakota.

you look really great Orion! i am a retriever-X and i've just adopted my parents.
will come visit your blog more often now!

Eski, Singapore

Anonymous said...

Oh, this makes me want to take a road trip!

And thanks for the award. Even though I'm on break, it's nice to get.

Lizzy said...

Great pictures! I enjoyed lookin' at them. Thanks for sharing.
