Saturday, September 29, 2007

I bet the suspense... keeping you on the edge of your seat.

I'll have an update for you soon! I promise!

Until then!

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Only two more days until we move to our new home!!!

My humans said something about dealing with papers on Monday morning and then after that, it's ours! (Personally, I don't see what papers have to do with moving...where does the peeing come in? Or maybe they shred them 'cuz they're so happy?)
I'm super excited and I can't wait until I get to check out the new digs myself. I also can't wait for my slow humans to finish packing so they can stop locking me up in the kitchen. Look at how gruff I am!

Opy should be proud of my gruffiness. Man, if looks could kill...

Anyway, I may not be able to bark to you all in the next couple of days because my Mom is "sooooo busy", but I'll be sure to tell you allllll about it after we get moved in.
I'm gonna throw a doghouse party and EVERYONE'S invited! :)
Oh yeah...and my parents still won't tell me about the other surprise they have for me...I hate having to wait!!!
Until next time!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Me!Me!Me! (finally)

Okay, so a long time ago (apparently when I was on hiatus) Jennifer over at Dogs of Jackman Ave. made this neat tag-survey called 'Me Me Me' which I think is cool's about me! :) I'm finally getting around to it because I saw it in a couple of doggy-blogs and I want to do it, too!

1. Your age?
Today I'm 7 months old!

2. Your age when came to live with your people:
7 1/2 weeks

3. What color is the collar you're wearing right now?
Solid black with my silver bone name tag on it.

4. Who is your favorite person other than the people you live with?
Definitely my Uncle Chris! (My mom's brother) I love it when we go to see him because he'll romp around with me and play fetch and he'll take me for walks around the ranch. Hmm...hey Mom! You should take some pictures of me and Uncle Chris!

5. How much do you weigh?
Hmm...I haven't been weighed in a while, but I think about 60lbs! Geez!

6. Most expensive thing you've every chewed up?
Hmm...let me see...I don't think I've chewed up anything very expensive, but the combined cost of everything that I've killed definitely isn't cheap!

7. Do you like other Dogs?
Definitely. I especially like barking in their faces when I tire them out and I still want to run around!

8. Who is your best non-human friend?
Hmm...definitely my neighbor-dog Ellie. She's so cute and even though she's smaller, she can keep up with me!

9. Squeaky toys or tennis balls?
Hmm...I like rope toys and sticks. Oh man...nothing compares to sticks.

10. Do you like to be brushed?
Not really. Sometimes it's okay if I'm really sleepy. Other than that, I just like to chew on the brush.

11. Peanut Butter or Cheese?
Both! At the same time, even (actually, I've never had them together, but I bet it would taste good!)

12: Do your people cut your toenails?
Most of the time. Sometimes the people at the vets do it.

13. Any formal education?
Puppy classes. And after we move, I might start taking more obedience.

14. Couch potato or Energizer Bunny?
Sorry, I didn't hear that one, I was too busy running around.

15. Five nick-names your people call you:
Wiggle-butt, Handsome, O, Big Boy, Silly

16. What is your best trick?
Crawling on my tummy like a snake. I also like to do doggie-push ups.

17. Do you like kitties?
They're kind of funny looking, but I like them. Lani is fun to chase, but I like laying around and playing with Phoenix.

18. What did you have for breakfast?
Solid Gold Wolf Cub Formula. Mmmm....Salmon and Bison.

19. Can you hunt (i.e. have you ever killed anything living)?
Just grasshoppers on accident. But I just like to play with them, I don't want to kill them. I don't like it when they stop moving. :(

20. When and why was the last time you went to the V.E.T.?
About a month ago for my skin allergies. I'm still really itchy. I'll give you guys an update on that later.

21. Where do you sleep at night?
On my bed in the bedroom with my Mom and Dad. (shh...sometimes I'll jump on their bed early in the morning when they're sleeping and I'll stay there for a few hours...hehehe)

22. Do you like to swim?
I love to splash around in water and wade in it, but I don't like when I can't touch the bottom with my feet.

23. Can you make puppies?
I'm still a puppy! (but Mom keeps saying something about me getting "tutored" soon. I wonder what I'm going to learn.)

24. Do you give kisses?
Yes, but usually only when Mom or Dad asks for them.

25. Can you potty on command?
Most of the time. "Get busy"

26. To Cuz or not to Cuz?
To cuz! But I killed my las bad cuz, so Mom needs to get me a new one.

Okay, there we have it. That was fun! Sorry for being so late!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Pictures!!!! Yay!!

Okay, so here's a bunch of pictures that we took in AZ and during the past month:

I'm ready to go!

Mountains of Arizona

Action Shot! Football with Dad!

Corby the pug and I'm hiding in the background

Mom and my Aunt Barb

Mountains and sunsets and nice stuff.

Mom crept into MY backseat area to take a nap. Notice who she's using as a foot warmer?

We were welcomed home to Texas by a beautiful rainbow

After we got home, I went back to doing normal things like jumping for ice cubes,

going to the park with Mom and Dad

playing some water football,

taking naps

playing with Mr. Turtle

taking naps.... until one quiet day...

Mom and Dad brought THIS little thing home!

At first I thought she was a snack. hehehe.

No, just kidding. :) At first I wasn't too sure about her because she made funny noises and would spit at me if I got too close. So I thought I'd try to wait it out under the bed. The next morning, I woke up and....SHE WAS STILL HERE! I guess Mom and Dad adopted a new sister for Lani and I. It took me a few days to get used to her being around, but after a while....well...

she's just so darn cute. I know...for a funny looking thing.

Either way, Lani and our new sister (appropriately named Phoenix for her orange points and tail) are good friends now and I kinda like her too. (Personally, I think she just likes chasing my tail).

And here's a picture of me holding my mom for ransom. hehe.

SO. That should satisfy your cuteness quota for a while, but if you still want more, Mom uploaded more pictures of the trip and of our fur family to my photo album.

Only 10 more days until we move! Woo hoo!

Until next time...

Oh my!

Again I say, 'Oh my!' Sunshine Girl over at For the Love of Labradors has given this blog the esteem of being a LURVED blog!
Aww, shucks! My mom and I are so touched by this, especially coming from Shelby and Nutmeg, and we want to spread the love to some others!
Maggie the Airedale: Maggie and Mitch are the most fun dogs I know!
Dogs of Jackman Ave: I love reading this blog!
Karen Shanley: Of course, she already been given some love, but how about some more for such an amazing writer.
The Lab Brats: A fun blog about Dakota and Cheyenne
Thanks again to Sunshine Girl, Nutmeg, and Shelby for giving us such a wonderful compliment!

Monday, September 3, 2007

The Return

Hi everyone. My mom and I are sorry for leaving you hanging for a while. After we got back from Arizona, some unfortunate events took place (one after the other after the other) and they left us all sad and recovering for a while. But we are fine now and I'm happy to have the chance to fill you guys in on all the exciting stuff that has been going on, too. Arizona was really fun, and REALLY HOT!!! We went to Tucson first to see my great grandma. She thought I was really sweet (of course, I was on my best behavior) and she wanted to give me treats all the time. My parents took me to a really neat doggie park where I met a bunch of really cool guys. We ran around for a long time until they had to leave. Then I played some football until another cool dog came to the park to have fun. She didn't really want to run around though, but we sat next to each other and chewed on a stick for a while. I think those AZ sticks taste pretty good; they've got a distinctive taste--maybe a little more like nuts and berries. Haha! After a few days there, we went to Phoenix to visit my Aunt Barbara and her two doggie sons and a doggie daughter. She's really cool!!! She sat outside with Mom and I for a while and played fetch and then we played an awesome game of 'catch me!' We swam in the pool for a little bit, but don't think I like it when I can't touch the bottom of the pool. I'm afraid I might sink! I was soooooo tired by the end of the night that I fell asleep early and slept all through the night. I really wanted to stay there longer, but we had to get moving. So back to Tuscon we went to spend our last night and then was the loooong drive home. Mom said I was a really good boy. They let me have the entire back of the car to myself (except when Mom crept back there for a nap on the ride home.) It was a fun trip and I can't wait to go back. I have a bunch of pictures to show you, but that'll have to wait until another day. For now though, here's on that my Mom wants to show you so that you can see how much I've grown!
Wow...I really am getting to be a big boy!

Since then, something else has happened. Guess what!? We bought a new house! We're still living at our old place with a lot of stuff in boxes, but we're moving on the 17th. I'm so excited because there's so much more room for all of us! The house is much bigger and the yard is almost an acre. Plenty of room for fetch, and chase, and digging and for swimming in a little kiddie pool. There's even a wet weather creek on the back of our yard that has water in it during certain times of the year. I haven't seen it yet, so it still sounds to good to be true, but my mom told me it has all of that and more. I can't wait. How much longer until the 17th anyway? Mom and Dad also told me that there might be another surprise a little while after we move in, but they wont tell me what!!! What do you think it could be? Any ideas?

Well there's still a little more to tell, but I'll leave that until next time. I wouldn't want to give you labby news overload! How have you guys been? I miss you all!

Until next time!