But I've got to go. It's a really nice day outside and we're gonna go PLAY!!
One step at a time...
But I've got to go. It's a really nice day outside and we're gonna go PLAY!!
Okay, okay...she only weighs 51lbs. But still...that's heavy! That's only 15lbs less than me! She better start running around like I've been doing with our visitors:
I ran around so much, my eyes turned into lasers!
M better be the one to take Cassie outside and get her moving, because it's Girl Scout cookie time and I've seen way too many empty boxes of thin mints lying around.
Uh-oh...I see M rolling up some newspaper...better go!
Later everydog!
This is Buddy. He was a good (and very crazy) collie-mix. He was extremely neglected in his prior home; he had no training, was completely unaware of how to act in a home environment and didn't know his own strength.
He was a beautiful boy (these pictures don't do him justice as they were taken right after he was taken home from the shelter). Mom can't find anymore pictures of him, but he was a good friend and lived a long, healthy life.
And then there was Hooper. This is the boy that changed everything (as M said in her post the other day). He only spent a short time in Mom's life, but he changed it forever. Unfortunately, he developed an immuno-deficiency disorder and was unable to fight off a parvo-like illness. Mom wishes that she took a lot more pictures of him during the 2 weeks he spent in her home.
He grew up to be a very loyal partner, very HUGE, and VERY smart.
In fact, Amadeus was SO smart, that he went through complete training to be a bomb sniffing dog! He passed all of his tests and though M was sad to see him go, he joined the program and is still living with the same owners and trainers that he went to live with long ago.
Mom has just recently made contact again with his owners (contact was lost for about 2 years) and found out that he's still a very sweet boy, though much older. He is retired now and spends his days at home laying in the sun and playing with his 2 siblings -- a lab mix named Honey, and a corgi mix named Snickers.
I know that a few people have posted about their ancestors, and thanks to the Maryann and the Brat Pack for posting the pictures of the gang a few years back. We especially enjoyed all the pics of Thrawn and Dakota, not to mention baby pics of Tucker :) Anyone else want to post pictures of your predecessors? We'd really like to see them!!
'Til next time!
I have a lot of goals in mind for Lucky Dog (our chosen name for this boarding venture). I really would like to create a loving, stress-free home environment for our boarders -- a place that focuses and maintains the routines each individual dog. There are no kennels or dogruns and we treat each lovable pup like our own :)
I've started another blog that our clients can follow while they're on out of town. It will track the daily doings of their dogs so they can check up and have a nice chronicle of what they did while at Lucky Dog. You can see it HERE.
And you can see our website with more info on Lucky Dog HERE. We're still working on it.
AND the best thing is that we're working with the Central Texas SPCA (which is located right down the street from me). We're a donation hub for them and we're donating some of our proceeds to them (especially our grooming services once we get those going).
We have our first boarder under Lucky Dog right now :) Her parents dropped her off this morning and she's getting along well with all of us.
And here's a picture of our original Lucky Dogs:
I promise that Orion and Cassie will return soon to tell you about what they've been up to the past week or so. In the meantime, any advice or feedback is greatly appreciated!
Until next time!
Oh yes...bad cuz, dino cuz, rabbit treats and HEY! Who's that peeking out from the top of our stocking?
Oh yes! It's Mr. Carrot! Just like Maggie and Mitch's friend! We couldn't wait to dig in and find all of our goodies that Santa Paws left for us!
C'mon Mom! Hurry up! (Oh and Mom wanted me to include an apology for her poor choice of tee-shirt for Christmas morning. 'It was dark and I was sleepy and I just grabbed the first shirt I could!')
Give us some of that, Mom! Look, we're being good!
(ok, is it just me, or did Cassie grow up overnight?)
We had so much fun on Christmas morning, that we passed out and barely noticed that our humans left to go pawty without us. They went to Grandma K's house and ate a bunch of yummy turkey and other eatables, opened some presents and played with our furry Uncles. I definitely think this whole Christmas thing is great! Especially because we got to spend a bunch of time with our humans. M says that's what it's all about!
It seems like all of you doggies had a good Christmas and got lots of nice pressies and ate lots of good eatables. How about everydog's New Year's Eve? Did your humans make you stay up WAY past bedtime and watch the stupid ball drop? I was sooooo disappointed. You see...it all started earlier on New Year's Eve...M and D were off from work, so they told us to hop in the car.
We went to Red Bud because it was a GORGEOUS sunny day at 70 degrees -- perfect swimming weather (told you Texas was crazy). Cassie and I spent a lot of time swimming and fetching our tennis balls until...WE LOST ONE!
We searched high and low for it...but alas...we could not rescue it. So we called off the search. I was sad, but M said "Don't worry, you're gonna get to see a REALLY REALLY big ball tonight if you stay up late enough. In NYC, they drop a ball to commence the new year!"
A really big tennis ball? Alright, I could go for that! On the way home, Cassie made friends with a chocolate lab named Brian (obviously his humans are Family Guy fans). He looked exactly like her! They were about the same age and were about the same size. It was so cute. M couldn't get a better picture because they were zooming all over the place together. You probably need to click on it to see it better.
Anyway, back to my story of disappointment. So we go home, eat dinner, do usual stuff and I'm like... "Hey Mom! When is this big ball going to drop? Phoenix and I want to see this for ourselves!"
We both drifted off to sleep and before I knew it, I was in a land of giant tennis balls. . .