We've been really good labbies this year, see?

Okay, so Cassie and I decided to be creative with our letter to Santa Paws. This is our first Christmas, after all and we have to make a good first impression. So why not make a song for Santa Paws? Mom said that if you make something into a song, it's easier to remember, so hopefully Santa won't forget anything we asked for. So here goes...
Our 12 desires of Christmas
(to the tune of 12 days of Christmas):
The first thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
is lots of pressies for all DWB's.
The second thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.
The third thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.
The fourth thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.
The fifth thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.
The sixth thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
6 Bully Sticks
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.
The seventh thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
7 days of snow
6 Bully Sticks
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.
The eighth thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
8 soccer Balls
7 days of snow
6 Bully Sticks
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.
The ninth thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
9 chewy shoes
8 soccer balls
7 days of snow
6 Bully Sticks
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.
The tenth thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
10 stuffie toys
9 chewy shoes
8 soccer balls
7 days of snow
6 Bully Sticks
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.
The eleventh thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
11 surprises in our stockings
10 stuffie toys
9 chewy shoes
8 soccer balls
7 days of snow
6 Bully Sticks
9 chewy shoes
8 soccer balls
7 days of snow
6 Bully Sticks
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.
The twelfth thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
12 months of happiness for our friends
11 surprises in our stockings
10 stuffie toys
10 stuffie toys
9 chewy shoes
8 soccer balls
7 days of snow
6 Bully Sticks
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.
Okay, so maybe a little monotonous, but it gets the point across :)
We can't wait until Christmas!!
Wow! What a great song! I loved it! Hehe!
I can't wait 'till Christmas!
Awesome song guys - you are really creative!
What a very creative letter to Santa! Great job but only 7 days of snow??????? We need far more than that, guys!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
OMdoG, I LOVED it!!!! You're such a good song writer Orion. Btw, what's your pee-mail address? Would like to send you an e-card.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
We loved your song. How neat.
What a great song, we love it! Now we can't get the tune out of our heads!
We're adding it to the letter blog now along with your cute faces!
Tucker and the Brats
PS Thanks for playing with us!
this is awesome Orion!
can you believe it, i was really singing along with it *hahaaha*
we love kwismos too, but not much decorating going here.
do enjoy the pre-kwismos preparation and am sure you'll have a blast on kwismos day!
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