Friday, November 23, 2007

Turkey Day!

Actually, we didn't get to have any of this on Thanksgiving :(

I can't eat turkey because of my stupid allergies and Mom thought that it wouldn't be fair to just give Cassie some turkey since she didn't have any fresh rabbit on hand to give me. So get this -- she brought home a tiny bit of turkey and gave it to the cats!!! What?! Since when do the dust bunnies get food before us?

But then she said that she brought home something special for Cassie and me. Sweet potatoes! They're freeze dried so that they're chewy and last a while, AND I can eat them without getting itchy. YAY Mom! You and Dad are the best! They were really yummy and I gulped mine down fast. But it was so good that I wanted more. So I chased Cassie all over the couch to try and get hers.

Hey, let me have some of that...

C'mon, just a piece!

Oooo...look a crumb!

Cassie wasn't sharing and Mom wouldn't let me take it from her, so I had to sit back and watch her share with Phoenix! So not cool!

M and D got back early from Thanksgiving "dinner" (which was really at lunch time) so we had the rest of the day to sit back and relax on Turkey Day. M started bringing out some of the Christmas decorations from the garage, so all of this is now taking up a small part of our living room.

Yeah Mom, just put it right over the there...

D said that we're going to get our tree on Monday. I hope it's a big one! I've never seen a real Christmas tree before! M keeps telling me that I'm not allowed to pee on it, drink the water on the bottom of it, wag my tail next to it, and most of all, eat it. Well, I'll do my best, Mom, but if the overwhelming need to chew on it's yummy sticks hits me, then I don't know if I can control it.

Cassie and I spent a lot of time outside since...guess what...IT WAS COLD OUTSIDE!!! Yep, that's right. It was about 40 degrees here in Cedar Park and Dallas even got snow flurries. Woo hoo! Bring on WINTER!

How was everydoggy's Thanksgiving? I hope everyone got lots of Turkey!


the many Bs said...

hi kiddos, thanks for sniffing our bloggy. we like your sweet potatoes. those look yummy. we got turkey necks and bison bones. Benson growled when he had his bone. that sure told us that we couldn't steal it from him. we all had bones though, but we had to see if his was better.

your christmas decorations look cool.

happy woofers.

Duke said...

Cassie is so sweet to share with Phoenix! I can't see myself doing that at all! Good girl, Cassie!

Love ya lots,

Lizzy said...

Ooooh, I wish I could have some of that turkey! It's too bad you couldn't have any.

The Christmas decorations look great!


Amber-Mae said...

Awww, your mom should have given you another sweet potato chewy Orion...But Phoenix is so cute trying to nip some of Cassie's sweet potato, hehe! The fireplace is looking nice with those decos. Oh I'm sure it's going to snow soon over there.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Sophie Brador said...

Oh my DoG!!!! You two are gorgeous. Have you looked in a mirror lately? You are stunning beasties, just like me!!! and you know what? I'm sort of somewhere in between the two of you, colour-wise. My ears are your colour, Orion, but my bod is sort of Cassie's colour, except for the part that is Orion's colour. And even Phoenix colour coordinates!

Okay, but seriously labbies, I have a really important question to ask. How do you not try to pick up the cat? I am always compelled to pick up the cat. Pretty much every cat. then I get a big swat on the nose and that kind of makes me mad. I just want to know what cats feel like? What do they feel like labbies? Can you tell me?


p.s. Oh yeah, I also wanted to say, I am so happy to meet you. Us labs seem awfully under represented in the blog-o-sphere. We need to start organizing or those airedales will take over the world.

Anonymous said...

You 2 are so cute together!


Anonymous said...

awww, so nice to see Cassie sharing with Phoenix - but, Cassie had most of it actually! *haha*
and *slurp* that turkey looks guuud!

looking forward to kwismas!