Orion is sleeping soundly in the bedroom, so I think I should take this oppurtunity to RAID HIS BLOG!!! And introduce myself, of course. A little while ago, Orion filled out a survey all about himself. So I think I should do it, too!
1. Your age? 4 1/2 months
2. Your age when came to live with your people: about 11 weeks
3. What color is the collar you're wearing right now? Oh, it's pretty! It's pink with cherry blossoms on it. But I have to get a new one soon -- this one is almost too tight.
4. Who is your favorite person other than the people you live with? Hmm...well, I know my neighbors and I've met some people in the store and at the vets, but I don't think I have a favorite person other than M and D, yet.
5. How much do you weigh? 34lbs
6. Most expensive thing you've every chewed up? I'm not a big chewer like my brother, but I did rip up a mock orange bush in my backyard. M really liked it, too. Sorry, Mom.
7. Do you like other Dogs? Definitely
8. Who is your best non-human friend? My neighbor, Trooper. We constantly find ways to get into each other's yards.
9. Squeaky toys or tennis balls? Tennis balls! But I really REALLY like the tennis balls that squeak.
10. Do you like to be brushed? I haven't had to get brushed yet ... puppy fur in warm weather doesn't fall out as much.
11. Peanut Butter or Cheese? Cheese
12: Do your people cut your toenails? Yes, but I've only had to have them cut once, so far.
13. Any formal education? Not yet. Maybe in a few months?
14. Couch potato or Energizer Bunny? Well, most of the time, I'm running around, but I'm much more of a couch potato than Orion. He never stops!
15. Five nick-names your people call you: Pretty girl, Noggin (because they say I have a funny shaped head), Little Mama. That's it so far! But actually, my real name is Cassiopeia like the constellation, so Cassie is kind of a nick name, too!
16. What is your best trick? Uhm...looking really really sweet?
17. Do you like kitties? YEAH! Phoenix is one of my best buds!
18. What did you have for breakfast?Pro Plan puppy formula and diced potatoes. Mmmm...
19. Can you hunt (i.e. have you ever killed anything living)?I don't think so.
20. When and why was the last time you went to the V.E.T.? About 2 weeks ago for my last puppy shots. Mom says I get to go back in 3 weeks for something called a spay? Is that like a spa treatment?
21. Where do you sleep at night? On my bed in the bedroom with my Mom and Dad and sometimes on the foot of their bed.
22. Do you like to swim? So far I love it, but I haven't been in a pool, yet.
23. Can you make puppies? I'm still a puppy!
24. Do you give kisses? I'm a licking machine. I won't stop kissing you until you hold me back.
25. Can you potty on command? Most of the time. "Get busy"
26. To Cuz or not to Cuz? Orion keeps telling me about them, but we don't have any. Sounds like it might be a nice Christmas present from Santa Paws!
So there's a little about me. I read over Orion's shoulder when he talks to you DWB's out there and y'all seem like fun! I can't wait to hear more from you and tell you more about MY point of view.
Licks and Wiggles,
9. Squeaky toys or tennis balls? Tennis balls! But I really REALLY like the tennis balls that squeak.
10. Do you like to be brushed? I haven't had to get brushed yet ... puppy fur in warm weather doesn't fall out as much.
11. Peanut Butter or Cheese? Cheese
12: Do your people cut your toenails? Yes, but I've only had to have them cut once, so far.
13. Any formal education? Not yet. Maybe in a few months?
14. Couch potato or Energizer Bunny? Well, most of the time, I'm running around, but I'm much more of a couch potato than Orion. He never stops!
15. Five nick-names your people call you: Pretty girl, Noggin (because they say I have a funny shaped head), Little Mama. That's it so far! But actually, my real name is Cassiopeia like the constellation, so Cassie is kind of a nick name, too!
16. What is your best trick? Uhm...looking really really sweet?
17. Do you like kitties? YEAH! Phoenix is one of my best buds!
18. What did you have for breakfast?Pro Plan puppy formula and diced potatoes. Mmmm...
19. Can you hunt (i.e. have you ever killed anything living)?I don't think so.
20. When and why was the last time you went to the V.E.T.? About 2 weeks ago for my last puppy shots. Mom says I get to go back in 3 weeks for something called a spay? Is that like a spa treatment?
21. Where do you sleep at night? On my bed in the bedroom with my Mom and Dad and sometimes on the foot of their bed.
22. Do you like to swim? So far I love it, but I haven't been in a pool, yet.
23. Can you make puppies? I'm still a puppy!
24. Do you give kisses? I'm a licking machine. I won't stop kissing you until you hold me back.
25. Can you potty on command? Most of the time. "Get busy"
26. To Cuz or not to Cuz? Orion keeps telling me about them, but we don't have any. Sounds like it might be a nice Christmas present from Santa Paws!
So there's a little about me. I read over Orion's shoulder when he talks to you DWB's out there and y'all seem like fun! I can't wait to hear more from you and tell you more about MY point of view.
Licks and Wiggles,
Hi Cassie! I think your name is very sweet & it really suits you coz you're very pweetty like me, hehehe! I think your brudder Orion should allow you to blog once in a while. I'm sure he wouldn't mind, right? Hope to hear more from you soon.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Cassie - I love your name and it's great to learn a little more about you!
Hi Cassie!
We're so glad that you hijacked Orion's blog so that we could learn more about you! Definitely put a Cuz on your Christmas list! It's one of the favorite toys at our house!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi cassie it's great to meet you. Orion might let you have a day to blog all by yourself like I do with Flash.
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