Sunday, November 18, 2007

Is it ever going to cool down?!

We've been watching a lot of football and getting ready for Thanksgiving, but Mom is really bummed out because it just doesn't seem like the holiday season to her when it's still so warm outside. I don't know anything else other than Texas weather, but Mom says that she misses the weather that Maggie and Mitch and Sherman, Penny and Lola are probably enjoying right now. That stinks for Mom, but the weather hasn't killed my spirit!


Here in Texas, it's still about 75-80 degrees on most days. The nights cool down to the 60's but OH DOG! It's still too warm for the end of November! But Cassie and I have been taking advantage of the last few weeks of warm weather before it starts cooling down for the winter. It's perfect for running around under the sprinkler! Mom set it up for us the other day and we had a blast!

As you can see in the video below, Cassie likes the water a lot more than I do. We got a major case of the zoomies after getting wet. But the human turned the video camera off just as we started running around, so I don't have that to show you. (Obviously, you can't trust humans to do anything right. Except maybe dinner.)

I hope all of you doggies out there are doing well. What's the weather like for you guys?

Until next time!


Duke said...

You're right Orion and Cassie - you wouldn't be running around under a sprinkler up here or you'd have icicles hanging from your noses, especially in the morning! It's crisp autumn weather and it's just beautiful! We can't wait for snow!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, Cassie has grown quite a bit! She's sooo pweetty & she sure loves that sprinkler! You look handsome in that pic Orion. It's good to cool down on a hot day but how come it's not snowing there yet?

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said...

That sprinkler looks like so much fun - we aren't allowed to have sprinklers on here anymore cos there's not enough rain and we're all on water restrictions :( so we really enjoyed your pictures.

We are meant to be near the end of spring/beginning of summer here but it's been 30 degrees cesius plus here for over a week now - so it's been reasonably hot - which means 2 trips a day down to the beach - WOOHOO!!


Ferndoggle said...

Go Cowboys??? Hmmmmm...I will not hold that against you Orion.

Your backyard looks so fun. You & Cassie can really get your zoomies out with all that space!


Peanut said...

The weather is warm here too. I don't know if I can stand it.