Thursday, November 29, 2007

Operation Christmas

Guess what we're doing? Decorating! Woohoo! Well you saw phase 1 of Operation Christmas the other day: a bunch of boxes hanging out in our living room and the mantle sorta decorated. So yesterday, we got our tree and started phase 2. We helped by supervising, as always.

Here's HD setting up the radioactive glowing reindeer on the lawn. The big guy with the antlers moves his head back and forth like he's watching out for predators (or cars that might try to sneak up on our lawn).

This one's kinda blurry. I have to get a new photographer.

And here's our tree when we first brought it home. MMMM...smells good.

Next, the lights go on. We had fun watching M and HD spinning around the tree to put the strings of lights on.

Here's a box of garland and some ornaments. M didn't let me hang any of them. Hmph.

Then the very last thing is putting the pretty lady on top. M told us that she's an angel and that she'll be up there to watch over us throughout the entire Christmas season. we better be good or Santa Paws will definitely find out.

And here's the mantle finished. See those stockings? The one on the left is for Cassie and me. There's nothing in there yet, but I hope it's full on Christmas morning!

Alright, bro. Move over. It's Cassie here! I wanted to tell you something exciting. I got a brand new collar! It was supposed to be a Christmas pressie, but my last one was getting too tight on me. Yay for early Christmas presents!

This was my old collar. It's really pretty, but too small.

Now I have a bright red Hamilton collar that matches Orion's, except his is black. Mom likes them because their really sturdy, have big buckles, and are easy to clean when they get dirty. The end of the collar pulls through the leash ring so that if we pull on our leashes, the stress is put on the ring itself instead of the buckle. You can check them out here.

See, it even has my name on it!

I wasn't really in the mood to pose for pictures today, so you'll have to excuse my less-than-divine appearance. Maybe I'll let Mom get some good snapshots later on.

Is everyone helping their humans with decorating?

Licks and Wiggles,
Cassie and Orion

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Letter to Santa Paws!

We've been really good labbies this year, see?

Okay, so Cassie and I decided to be creative with our letter to Santa Paws. This is our first Christmas, after all and we have to make a good first impression. So why not make a song for Santa Paws? Mom said that if you make something into a song, it's easier to remember, so hopefully Santa won't forget anything we asked for. So here goes...

Our 12 desires of Christmas
(to the tune of 12 days of Christmas):

The first thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
is lots of pressies for all DWB's.

The second thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.

The third thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.

The fourth thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.

The fifth thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.

The sixth thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
6 Bully Sticks
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.

The seventh thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
7 days of snow
6 Bully Sticks
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.

The eighth thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
8 soccer Balls
7 days of snow
6 Bully Sticks
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.

The ninth thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
9 chewy shoes
8 soccer balls
7 days of snow
6 Bully Sticks
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.

The tenth thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
10 stuffie toys
9 chewy shoes
8 soccer balls
7 days of snow
6 Bully Sticks
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.

The eleventh thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
11 surprises in our stockings
10 stuffie toys
9 chewy shoes
8 soccer balls
7 days of snow
6 Bully Sticks
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.

The twelfth thing that we would like Santa Paws to bring...
12 months of happiness for our friends
11 surprises in our stockings
10 stuffie toys
9 chewy shoes
8 soccer balls
7 days of snow
6 Bully Sticks
4 tennis balls
3 sweet potato chews
2 new collars
and lots of pressies for all DWB's.

Okay, so maybe a little monotonous, but it gets the point across :)

We can't wait until Christmas!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Of rainy days and suspicious packages...

Hi everydog. We've had a couple of fun days here in Texas. It's been raining for 2 days and water is everywhere. Just look at all of the puddles of mud in the backyard.

Yesterday, Cassie and I played outside for a long long time. We didn't want to go inside. Actually, after rolling around in the mud for so long, I don't think Mom wanted us to go inside either. We were pawsitively dirty. But HD laid out a big blanket and dried us off on it. Of course we couldn't stop playing long enough to get totally dry.

Cassie isn't very happy about having to stay on the blanket.

M wasn't feeling very well and had herself wrapped up in a blanket on the couch. She just wanted to relax and keep warm, but of course we couldn't let that happen. C'mon Mom, let's play! Of course, M obliged. She just can't say no to our puppy dog eyes. We played fetch for a while (actually I played fetch and Cassie just played scavenger --waiting for me to bring the toy back so she could jump on me and take it).

We tired (and dried) ourselves out. It was definitely time for a warm nap.

Yesterday afternoon, Mom got a big box full of stuff she ordered for Christmas. She made the mistake of leaving the box open and this morning we found a surprise.

Anything good? Nah, just the dust bunny, Phoenix.

Those packing peanuts are going to be everywhere for the next week.

Oh, and I think I'm going to close with this picture of Cassie. Sophie says that sometimes she looks possessed, but even her most evil look can't compare with this one.

Until next time! Woo-woofs!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Turkey Day!

Actually, we didn't get to have any of this on Thanksgiving :(

I can't eat turkey because of my stupid allergies and Mom thought that it wouldn't be fair to just give Cassie some turkey since she didn't have any fresh rabbit on hand to give me. So get this -- she brought home a tiny bit of turkey and gave it to the cats!!! What?! Since when do the dust bunnies get food before us?

But then she said that she brought home something special for Cassie and me. Sweet potatoes! They're freeze dried so that they're chewy and last a while, AND I can eat them without getting itchy. YAY Mom! You and Dad are the best! They were really yummy and I gulped mine down fast. But it was so good that I wanted more. So I chased Cassie all over the couch to try and get hers.

Hey, let me have some of that...

C'mon, just a piece!

Oooo...look a crumb!

Cassie wasn't sharing and Mom wouldn't let me take it from her, so I had to sit back and watch her share with Phoenix! So not cool!

M and D got back early from Thanksgiving "dinner" (which was really at lunch time) so we had the rest of the day to sit back and relax on Turkey Day. M started bringing out some of the Christmas decorations from the garage, so all of this is now taking up a small part of our living room.

Yeah Mom, just put it right over the there...

D said that we're going to get our tree on Monday. I hope it's a big one! I've never seen a real Christmas tree before! M keeps telling me that I'm not allowed to pee on it, drink the water on the bottom of it, wag my tail next to it, and most of all, eat it. Well, I'll do my best, Mom, but if the overwhelming need to chew on it's yummy sticks hits me, then I don't know if I can control it.

Cassie and I spent a lot of time outside since...guess what...IT WAS COLD OUTSIDE!!! Yep, that's right. It was about 40 degrees here in Cedar Park and Dallas even got snow flurries. Woo hoo! Bring on WINTER!

How was everydoggy's Thanksgiving? I hope everyone got lots of Turkey!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Just one more thing before the Holiday season...

Hi everyone, it's the Mom here. Just wanted to post this reminder of some human foods that could be harmful to dogs if ingested. With all the hustle and bustle, it's easy to leave some of these foods in Fido's reach.

Alcoholic Beverages: Can cause intoxication, coma, and death.

Avocados: The fruit, pit, and plant are all toxic. They can cause difficulty breathing and fluid accumulation in the chest, abdomen and heart.

Bones: Cooked bones can splinter and damage a dog’s internal organs. Raw bones should always be supervised.

Chocolate (all forms): Can cause staggering, labored breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, tremors, fever, heart rate increase, arrhythmia, seizures, coma, death. Bakers (semi-sweet and dark) Chocolate is the most dangerous.

Coffee, Coffee Grounds, Tea: Drinks or food containing caffeine cause many of the same symptoms as chocolate.

Fatty and Fried Foods: Excessive fat can cause pancreatitis.

Fruit Seeds and Pits: Contain cyanide. The core/pit of fruits can also become lodged in the intestines and kill a dog in 24 hours with no warning.

Grapes and Raisins: Can cause vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, lethargy, kidney failure in dogs. A single serving of raisins can kill a dog.

Hops: Causes panting, increased heart rate, elevated temperature, seizures, and death.

Macadamia Nuts: Can cause locomotion difficulties, tremors, and weakness or paralysis of the hindquarters. Some affected dogs have swollen limbs and show pain when the limbs are manipulated. Limit all other nuts, as their high phosphorous content is said to possibly lead to bladder stones. The exception seems to be Peanut Butter (Organic salt & sugar free is best.)

Moldy or Spoiled Foods: Can cause indigestion, diarrhea and vomiting. Molds and bacteria go hand in hand. If the dogs are small, they will not be equipped to ward off diseases caused by these bacteria.

Mushrooms: Can cause abdominal pain, drooling, liver damage, kidney damage, vomiting diarhea, convulsions, coma, death. The only safe mushrooms are shitake, maitake, and reishi.

Nutmeg: Can cause tremors, seizures, and death.

Onions, Onion Powder (and Garlic in large quantities): Can cause Hemolytic Anemia, labored breathing, liver damage, vomiting, diarrhea, discolored urine. Weakness, confusion, dizziness and accelerated heart rate are other symptoms of onion poisoning. Onions and garlic contain the toxic ingredient thiosulphate. Onions are more of a danger.

Raisins: (see grapes)

Salt: Excessive salt intake can cause kidney problems and may lead to electrolyte imbalances.

Sugar and Corn Syrups: Can lead to obesity, dental problems, and possibly diabetes mellitus. Small amounts of honey or molasses are okay (but not for dogs with cancer.)

Tobacco: Contains nicotine, which affects the digestive and nervous systems. Can result in rapid heart beat, collapse, coma, and death.

Tomato Plants: Can cause tremors and heart arrhythmias.

Yeast dough: Can expand and produce gas in the digestive system, causing pain and possible rupture of the stomach or intestines.

Xylitol Sweetened Products: Even a small amount can cause liver failure and death.

If your dog has ingested any of these foods, make sure they stay hydrated and get veterinary help immediately. The sooner you act, the less amount of the poison will be absorbed into his system. Call your emergency vetrinary hospital and then call the ASPCA Poison Hotline (888)426-4435. They can provide you with answers on how to help your pet based on their size, weight, and what they ingested.

Everyone have a Happy Holiday season!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Giving Thanks

So Mom told me that on Thursday, we're going to celebrate Thanksgiving: a holiday when you give thanks for all of the wonderful things in your life that you appreciate. She told me that every year, before the big thanksgiving dinner, everyone in the family says what they are thankful for. Since Cassie and I aren't going to be able to go to the BIG family dinner at Grandma's, M told me that I should tell you guys what I'm thankful for! So here goes:

Orion is thankful for:
  1. Sticks! That wonderful twiggy goodness that fills my yard. I'm so thankful for the trees that drop their sticks and let me play with them.
  2. For my new house and all of the other great stuff that has happened this past year.
  3. For my sister, Cassie. Even though she gets on my nerves sometimes, I love her just the same and I'm so glad she came to live with us.
  4. For my vets, Dr. Wells, Dr. Cottier, and Dr. Daigle for trying so hard to fix my itchies. They keep working really hard to make me allergy-free ASAP!
  5. For being well-fed. :)
  6. And MOST of all, for M and D, and all of my pawesome friends -- all you DWB's.

Okay! My turn!

Cassie is thankful for:

  1. My great family that wanted me to come live with them. I'm so thankful that I'm not still living outside without any friends in the heat and rain.
  2. For all of the leftover turkey that I get after Thursday...and guess what?! Orion can't have any! That's right! He can only have rabbit and potato because of his itchies. Hah!
  3. My big brother Orion! I'm really just kidding about the turkey thing. He deserves a whole turkey to himself, but then he'd be scratching for the next two weeks. He's goofy and sometimes a big bully, but he really is the best brother ever!
  4. My big comfy bed!
  5. Last but not least, my new friends! All the DWB's that I can't wait to get to know better!
Happy Thanksgiving Everybody! Don't eat too much!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Okay! It's MY turn!

Hello out there!

Orion is sleeping soundly in the bedroom, so I think I should take this oppurtunity to RAID HIS BLOG!!! And introduce myself, of course. A little while ago, Orion filled out a survey all about himself. So I think I should do it, too!

1. Your age? 4 1/2 months

2. Your age when came to live with your people: about 11 weeks

3. What color is the collar you're wearing right now? Oh, it's pretty! It's pink with cherry blossoms on it. But I have to get a new one soon -- this one is almost too tight.

4. Who is your favorite person other than the people you live with? Hmm...well, I know my neighbors and I've met some people in the store and at the vets, but I don't think I have a favorite person other than M and D, yet.

5. How much do you weigh? 34lbs

6. Most expensive thing you've every chewed up? I'm not a big chewer like my brother, but I did rip up a mock orange bush in my backyard. M really liked it, too. Sorry, Mom.

7. Do you like other Dogs? Definitely
8. Who is your best non-human friend? My neighbor, Trooper. We constantly find ways to get into each other's yards.

9. Squeaky toys or tennis balls? Tennis balls! But I really REALLY like the tennis balls that squeak.

10. Do you like to be brushed? I haven't had to get brushed yet ... puppy fur in warm weather doesn't fall out as much.

11. Peanut Butter or Cheese? Cheese

12: Do your people cut your toenails? Yes, but I've only had to have them cut once, so far.

13. Any formal education? Not yet. Maybe in a few months?

14. Couch potato or Energizer Bunny? Well, most of the time, I'm running around, but I'm much more of a couch potato than Orion. He never stops!

15. Five nick-names your people call you: Pretty girl, Noggin (because they say I have a funny shaped head), Little Mama. That's it so far! But actually, my real name is Cassiopeia like the constellation, so Cassie is kind of a nick name, too!

16. What is your best trick? Uhm...looking really really sweet?

17. Do you like kitties? YEAH! Phoenix is one of my best buds!

18. What did you have for breakfast?Pro Plan puppy formula and diced potatoes. Mmmm...

19. Can you hunt (i.e. have you ever killed anything living)?I don't think so.

20. When and why was the last time you went to the V.E.T.? About 2 weeks ago for my last puppy shots. Mom says I get to go back in 3 weeks for something called a spay? Is that like a spa treatment?

21. Where do you sleep at night? On my bed in the bedroom with my Mom and Dad and sometimes on the foot of their bed.

22. Do you like to swim? So far I love it, but I haven't been in a pool, yet.

23. Can you make puppies? I'm still a puppy!

24. Do you give kisses? I'm a licking machine. I won't stop kissing you until you hold me back.

25. Can you potty on command? Most of the time. "Get busy"

26. To Cuz or not to Cuz? Orion keeps telling me about them, but we don't have any. Sounds like it might be a nice Christmas present from Santa Paws!

So there's a little about me. I read over Orion's shoulder when he talks to you DWB's out there and y'all seem like fun! I can't wait to hear more from you and tell you more about MY point of view.

Licks and Wiggles,


Is it ever going to cool down?!

We've been watching a lot of football and getting ready for Thanksgiving, but Mom is really bummed out because it just doesn't seem like the holiday season to her when it's still so warm outside. I don't know anything else other than Texas weather, but Mom says that she misses the weather that Maggie and Mitch and Sherman, Penny and Lola are probably enjoying right now. That stinks for Mom, but the weather hasn't killed my spirit!


Here in Texas, it's still about 75-80 degrees on most days. The nights cool down to the 60's but OH DOG! It's still too warm for the end of November! But Cassie and I have been taking advantage of the last few weeks of warm weather before it starts cooling down for the winter. It's perfect for running around under the sprinkler! Mom set it up for us the other day and we had a blast!

As you can see in the video below, Cassie likes the water a lot more than I do. We got a major case of the zoomies after getting wet. But the human turned the video camera off just as we started running around, so I don't have that to show you. (Obviously, you can't trust humans to do anything right. Except maybe dinner.)

I hope all of you doggies out there are doing well. What's the weather like for you guys?

Until next time!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

It's picture day... I hope everyone has high speed! :)
There's been so much going on lately. The house is hopping with excitement! First of all, Cassie is TROUBLE!!! Oh man, she knows how to get into it. She even gets ME into trouble. Can you believe that? Little innocent me?

She's an escape artist too! The humans try to give us some freedom while they're at work and leave us in the kitchen instead of locking us in our crates, but she's found a way out 3 times now! M and D have finally perfected the technique, but we still have to keep an eye on her.

We've been having a really good time settling in to the new house, exploring our new territory, and getting to know each other.

We have lots more room to run around and play...even when Dad's trying to work...

I have no idea WHY, but Cassie and one of the furballs fatsos cats act like they're best friends or something! Look at the way Phoenix is looking at the camera! "MY PUPPY. DON'T TOUCH."

She's learning stuff quickly now..but she can still be a stupid head. In this picture, we're both waiting patiently for our dinner.

Actually, I couldn't ask for a better little sister. She gets on my nerves sometimes, but she's awfully cute and she's pretty funny, too! I think she can stay.

Here's a video of me zooming around the backyard on a cool night a couple of days ago. I kinda disappear in the dark for a little bit, but I come back! Just try to ignore my humans annoying voices while you watch me in action!

Until next time!